Title: Cleat Catcher
Series: (Cleat Chaser Duet, #2—Standalone)
Author: Celia Aaron & Sloane Howell
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Erotic Sports Romance
Rating: 5-Stars *favorite*
Blog: HERE
♥ (Cleat Chaser Duet, #1) Cleat Chaser
♥ (Cleat Chaser Duet, #2) Cleat Catcher
each book in the series can be read as a standalone
Celia and Sloane never strike out with me—each book is a home run, and Cleat Catcher is no exception.
I thought I adored Easton from Cleat Chaser, and I do. But Braden...I'm glad he's good at catching, because I fell for him. Hard. And deep.
Okay, that's all the baseball puns I can think of right now—without talking about big balls and bigger bats. So full review to come.
Hero: 5-Stars*
Heroine: 5-Stars*
Romance: 5-Stars*
Sex: 5-Stars*
Plot: 5-Stars*
Dialogue: 5-Stars*
Writing: 5-Stars*
♠ ♥ ♣ ♦
PS: I was given a complementary copy of this book. But I do solemnly swear that I am up to...good. *wink* This is a fair, honest review and/or rating(s) of this book, pinky promise.