Title: Stealing Christmas
Series: (Standalone Christmas Novella)
Author: Alexa Riley
Genre: Adult Contemporary Erotic Romance
Rating: 4-Stars
Cliffhanger: No
HEA: Yes
Blog: HERE
Christmas Winter is lucky she loves this time of year, because her name didn’t give her much of a choice. She’s always bubbly and happy. So when she takes a job as an elf in the mall, she’s excited to spread some cheer. But Christmas could never expect what happens when she catches the eye of a stranger.
Nicholas Light owns everything he sees, and when his eyes land on the new elf in his mall’s Santa exhibit, he knows she’s no different. There’s something about her sweet innocence that he has to have, and he’ll concoct a plan to make that happen.
Warning: Grab your jingle bells and swing them over your head… This holiday quickie is gonna light up your Noel. Okay, none of that made sense. But it sounded festive, right? This book is adorable, and you’ll love it. Just don’t get tinsel stuck in the wrong places. Trust us.
SURPRISE! We've included Snow and Mistletoe as our gift to you! Stealing Christmas ends around 50% and enjoy this holiday favorite right after.
Stealing Christmas was a
cute Christmas novella. Though there were only a few
sexy bits, it's still sure to
warm your cheeks just as good as any cup of hot chocolate—and Christmas Winter and Nicolas Light's
quick-but-adorable relationship is sure to be as
sweet as melted marshmallows.
My only Christmas wish towards this novella, was that there was some moremoremore of
it—more dirtiness, more insta-love. But overall, I would definitely recommend this for those who want to give themselves an early Christmas present of a smutty holiday read!
Hero: 5-Stars
Heroine: 5-Stars
Romance: 4.5-Stars
Sex: 4-Stars
Plot: 4.5-Stars
Dialogue: 5-Stars
Writing: 5-Stars
PS: I was given a complementary copy of this book. But I do solemnly swear that I am up to...good. *wink* This is a fair, honest review and/or rating(s) of this book, pinky promise.